version history
3.0.0 [06/10/24]
- major ui updates and fixes
- revamped nav and footer for improved accessibility
- codebase refactoring
- improved the architecture of the repository
- updated home, timeline and projects with the most recent details
2.3.0 [17/02/24]
- added light mode feature to all pages, providing users with the option to switch between light and
dark modes for a personalised experience
- minor bug fixes and improvements
- optimized styles for improved readability in light mode
2.2.0 [14/02/24]
- added a version history feature to track continuous improvements, new features, and previous
- updated the timeline with the most recent details
2.1.0 [01/02/24]
- added bucket list and timeline sections with updated details
- added projects and resume dummy pages, replacing the 404 error page, to offer a comprehensive
lifecycle stage experience
- enhanced readability
2.0.0 [15/01/24]
- implemented a page loader on the landing page to enhance user experience
- deployed the landing page with responsive and dynamic background glass-morphism effect
- implemented responsive design for mobile and tablet compatibility
- optimized website performance with code refactoring
- updated content for photography and home sections
1.2.0 [07/01/24]
- revamped the navigation section for improved accessibility
- added hover effects for better user experience
1.1.0 [02/01/24]
- updated the landing page margin and padding for enhanced visual appeal
- added photography and writing sections for sharing insights and updates
- added social links to footer
1.0.0 [18/12/23]
- initial deployment to production of dot-me profile
- implemented a simple double-column layout for the landing section