Dreams are meant to be achieved, especially the crazy ones.

“Today, we often put boundaries on ourselves or other people, making up limitations of what is achievable. But I believe that Limitations are only Perceptions of what we can achieve. That even the ordinary can achieve the extraordinary through passion, extreme dedication, and an immense belief in yourself.” - Anders Hofman

I'm a huge fan of to-do lists because they keep me organised, help me stay on schedule, and make sure I get things done. (plus the satisfaction one gets after Marking off tasks is wonderful)

Embracing it, have always wanted to have a thoughtful (and ambitious) list of the things that I wish to do before I leave this beautiful place.

The purpose is very simple, to step beyond my comfort zone, to seek goals that my younger self would have considered unachievable, to unlock the immense belief in myself and to discover the power of my mind.

As Huberman says- Let's get the Dopamine Cranking.

Progress : 9 / 31

1. Write my book
2. Learn how to play the Guitar
3. Own my domain
4. Trek to Everest base camp
5. Visit the breathtaking Great Wall of China
6. Touch all the seven continents of the world
7. Contribute to Academia, publish my Research paper
8. Run a Marathon (for a purpose)
9. Swim in all four Oceans
10. Go skydiving
11. Experience Ice bucket bath
12. Get proficient with the manual settings on a DSLR
13. Finish my dream event- The Ironman triathlon
14. Witness the Aurora Borealis
15. Attain mastery at a freestyle martial art
16. Go on a wildlife safari to India's National parks and capture animals in their natural habitats
17. Go horseback riding through beautiful trails
18. Attend India's Republic Day Parade
19. Go scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia
20. Learn to cook Chicken Biryani
21. Get my submission put on a Photography Exhibition
22. Go on a complete impromptu College Trip
23. Experience cold shower for 50 days straight
24. Design my own Aquascape with live plants and fishes
25. Go on an expedition to the Amazon Forest in Brazil
26. Experience Coldplay's live concert
27. Learn the art of Color Grading
28. Experience a morning photowalk and capture the subtle beauty of nature
29. Learn Charcoal art
30. Adopt a Puppy
31. Publish my Writings
~ give a TED talk
~ practice Gratitude
~ practice Philanthropy
~ motivate people into Calisthenics